All sections for Discipline PriestPvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal hero talents, class talents, spec talents, race, stats, gear, enchants, gems, and macros. This will help you have a good understanding of Discipline Priests in PvP for The War Within, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section will guide you on the best Discipline Priest PvP Talents in The War Within.
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Table of Contents
- Hero Talents: Oracle
- Hero Talents: Voidweaver
- Class Talents
- Spec Talents
- PvP Talents
The War Within expands our arsenal of talent options, which include our new talent hero talent trees, Oracle and Voidweaver. Although Voidweaver is more exclusive to a 2v2 and RBG setting, we will encompass all important aspects of both Hero builds, starting off with our default Oracle build.
Hero Talents: Oracle

Starting off with our Oracle hero talents, let’s look at the core talents chosen that make up this build.
Premonition is our hallmark talent as this build, granting us three different spells in a specific rotation, similar to Paladin’s Blessing of the Seasons.
First up is Premonition of Insight to reduce cooldown of our next three spells. In most cases, you’ll be using this on both Penance, to buff our shield absorb with Weal and Woe, and Power Word: Shield, alternating between each other while Premonition of Insight is up to maximize our absorptions to the fullest.
Next we have Premonition of Piety for some nice enhancements to our healing done, especially with redistributing 70% of over-healing to allies, making Power Word: Radiance our strongest healing spell while this is active. Lastly, we have Premonition of Solace to apply a non-purgeable shield on the target you heal.
- Divine Feathers for an additional 10% movement speed from Angelic Feather, and if we apply our feather on an ally we also gain full benefit out of it.
- Miraculous Recovery now allows you to use Power Word: Life more often and at a higher threshold of 50%.
As our capstone node, we have Clairvoyance added into our Premonition rotation, and is available to press after all three spells in the rotation have been already used. Upon pressing Clairvoyance, you receive full benefit out of Premonition of Insight, Premonition of Piety, and Premonition of Solace all at the same time, and is considered one of your biggest healing cooldowns.
Hero Talents: Voidweaver

Next up we have our Voidweaver talents, and if you aren’t aware on what this build does, it focuses more on dealing damage while simultaneously assisting us with our Atonement healing. Let’s look at our core talents that require a bit more explanation in order to increase their effectiveness.
Entropic Rift is our hallmark talent as this build, allowing us to summon an orb-like object after successfully landing Mind Blast. This chases the target that was hit by Mind Blast, and any enemy target near it will be hit every second with some Shadow damage.
- Darkening Horizon allows us to extend the duration of Entropic Rift up to 3 seconds, depending on how many Void Blasts have successfully landed. Void Blast is our node above that replaces Smite for an enhanced version of itself.
- Devour Matter is quite unique, providing us a way to consume all absorb shields with Shadow Word: Death on a selected target. This excels against other Discipline Priests to counteract their Power Word: Shield. This also buffs Shadow Word: Death in the process and grants us 1% mana if our selected target had a shield before it was removed.
- Voidheart and Void Infusion help out with our Atonement healing, and is most effective when Entropic Rift is active.
Diverting to our endcap node, we have Collapsing Void. This makes Entropic Rift deal more damage and grow in size the more Penance ticks you throw out, and once Entropic Rift expires, it explodes to all nearby damage for some hefty AoE cleave.

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Priest Class Talents
In the Priest Class talent tree, most of your talent choices will be mandatory when advancing onto each tier. Some of most noteworthy mandatory talents are:
- Shadow Word: Death to either execute your target, or break a majority of magic based CC.
- Phantasm, which offers more opportunity for Priests to land Crowd Control with Psychic Scream or avoid danger.
- Void Shift, allowing you to swap health with an ally and is not affected by dampening, denying any potential kills.
- Power Word: Life for that extra burst heal that synergizes even better with our Oracle tree, as we receive Miraculous Recovery for increased uptime and at a 50% health threshold before being able to use it.
- Void Tendrils for some extra control added into your toolkit, as you can either use it to peel melees off, or root healers out of a lengthy CC chain to extend it even further.
For your flexible class talents, Void Tendrils, Mental Agility, or Mind Control can be more swapped around with other talents offered to us. This is dependent on your matchup and current composition played.
- Death and Madness let’s us use another Shadow Word: Death on a target if our first one did not execute the target at 20% health or below.
- Improved Purify against Shadow Priests to remove Devouring Plague.
- Shackle Undead to reduce the pressure coming from Unholy DK pets, but as it currently stands this isn’t really worth to pick up.
- Sheer Terror instead of Void Tendrils in our choice node, if you are playing as a spread pressure comp and want to reduce the chance of Psychic Scream breaking.
- Inspiration is great against double melee compositions to reduce incoming damage, and is applied on friendly targets by Penance or Flash Heal crits.
Discipline Spec Talents
For our spec talents, most of these will be mandatory as you advance onto each tier. Some of the most noteworthy talents are:
- Atonement, which not only applies some direct healing from your damaging spells, and some minor damage reduction with Lenience, but greatly increases our healing and absorptions from Mastery: Grace. You’ll want to maintain Atonement on the enemy’s kill target as much as possible to dish out the most healing on players that need it the most.
- Sanctuary, and is great when the current state of the game is in your favor, allowing you to negate some damage dealt from your opponents. This debuff can stack on the target affected by Smite.
- Purge the Wicked, and when you use Penance on a target affected by this, you can spread out this ability to a nearby target. This is only worth doing if your team is healthy and you can risk throwing out an offensive Penance, making our globals a bit more efficient. This also helps us obtain From Darkness Comes Light stacks quicker for more potent Flash Heals.
- Ultimate Penitence is your most notable cooldown as this specialization, aside from Pain Suppression. You can use this ability either defensively or offensively, depending on the current state of the game. If you want to use this offensively, make sure you apply Atonement to allies that are taking damage to heal them while firing Penances at your opponents.
If you decide to play our Voidweaver build, we highly suggest moving around some talents here that favor its playstyle.
- Mindbender, which acts identical to Shadowfiend, but reduces it’s cooldown to 1 minute. With our Voidweaver hero build, we now receive an enhanced version of Mindbender, Voidwraith. This ability deals some hefty damage with Void Flay, and if the target is at high health, expect Void Flay to crank the damage charts.
- Shadow Covenant not only converts your Penance into a shadow spell, but buffs our damage and healing to any Shadow spell by 20% while Mindbender is active. This gets even stronger due to our Twilight Corruption node directly below.
- Void Summoner makes casting more rewarding, as we can reduce the cooldown of our Mindbender whenever we successfully land Smite, Mind Blast, or Penance.
Unlock your PvP potential with Skill Capped. Our brand new Skill Capped UI for The War Within will fast track your success, offering everything you need to set up your UI like a pro in just seconds. Skill Capped members candownload the complete addon package from our siteand unlock premium profiles for BetterBlizzPlates, OmniBar, and OmniCD to gain visual and in depth insights that enhance your gameplay and give you the edge over your opponents. With Skill Capped, you’ll start climbing the ladder in no time.
Discipline Priest PvP Talents
As a Discipline Priest, we have a default loadout that you will typically use in most matchups: Ultimate Radiance, Phase Shift, and Inner Light and Shadow.
- Ultimate Radiance makes Power Word: Radiance an instant cast spell, while also buffing its healing by 10%. This is super important if we ever feel like we are falling behind and need some extra burst healing to help us stabilize. This also makes applying Atonement on multiple targets a lot easier, as they receive this buff whenever a friendly target is affected by Power Word: Radiance‘s burst healing.
- Inner Light and Shadow gives you two abilities you can alternate between; Inner Light and Inner Shadow. Inner Light helps you become more mana conservative, making all your healing spells cost 10% less mana. Inner Shadow, on the other hand, increases our Spell damage and Atonement healing coming from our damage by 10%. We typically want to use Inner Shadow to increase our damage early in the game, and as the game progresses, we find more value out of Inner Light when dampening ticks in.
- Phase Shift as this allows you to avoid Crowd Control and incoming damage if timed correctly. It also pairs quite nicely with Phantasm, making it more forgiving to push in and throw out Psychic Scream.
If you choose to play Solo Shuffle, you may want to exchange Inner Light and Shadow for Archangel to fully maximize your healing output, or Strength of Soul against melees except Demon Hunters and Death Knights. If you would like to play something different in this talent slot, you can select any of our optional talents listed below, as you may find at times where some will outweigh others.
You can also swap to/from Phase Shift depending on which talents are required, to any of our optional talents:
- Purification is quite promising, as it allows you to have an additional charge on your dispel. This is extremely helpful into setup comps, like Rogue Mage, or into Mage Lock where the enemy team will be constantly applying Crowd Control on your team.
- Thoughtsteal is more promising against setup comps as well, mainly against Rogue Mage, as you can steal a Mage‘s Polymorph, making it harder for them to Crowd Control you. This becomes more viable against Frost Mages, as they are less likely to select Ring of Frost, and is mainly because it’s on a choice node with Ice Nova.
- Dark Archangel becomes more valuable with comps that pump out massive raw damage to their opponents, making it even more difficult for the opposing healer to recover from the pressure.
- Archangel synergizes wonders with our Oracle healing build, increasing our healing and absorb effects by 20% while active, and refreshes all active Atonements.
- Strength of Soul is a great pick against double melee that are comprised of direct physical damage. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t choose this into melees like Demon Hunters and Death Knights, as they can negate this effect.
- Catharsis is selected into dot cleaves, especially against Balance Druids, Elemental Shamans, Affliction Warlocks, and Shadow Priests. This is because these classes are more likely to attack you and deal damage from their direct spells and dot effects. Not only does this allow you to redirect some damage back on your next Purge the Wicked, but you can deliver some nice Atonement healing if you accumulate a good amount of damage.

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